The Artistic Science of Well-Being

Art and music contribute positively to an individual's well-being. (see references below)

Art and music help reduce stress hormones like cortisol, and trigger the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin that improve mood.

The Art Always Foundation helps spread the influence of art, not for 'visual fluff', but because of it's enormous benefits on human psyche.

Art and music helps well-being in the following ways:

  • Reducing stress: Art and music can help reduce stress hormones like cortisol, and trigger the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin that can improve mood. [1]
  • Improving brain function: Art and music can improve brain function, and can even enlarge certain brain structures. [1]
  • Improving mood: Art and music can improve mood, and can help people feel connected to others and access their memories. [1]
  • Improving physical health: Art and music can reduce blood pressure, boost immune system function, and alleviate pain. [1]
  • Improving sleep quality: Listening to music can improve sleep quality. [2]
  • Improving mental alertness: Listening to music can improve mental alertness. [2]
  • Improving memory: Listening to music can improve memory. [2]
  • Improving exercise performance: Art can improve exercise performance. [3]
  • Speeding healthy recovery: Art can speed healthy recovery. [3]
  • Developing innovative talents: Art and music can help children develop innovative talents. [4]

Art and music can be used for healing and therapy, and can be prescribed as a treatment to improve health. [5, 6]








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